How does one do this?
1. Get coupons.
Where does one find coupons?
- The Sunday Paper (the LA Times has the best coupons - you can subscribe to the Sunday edition or just buy them weekly)The coupon inserts are usually "smartsource" or "red plum", and occasionally there are additional inserts.
- In your mail on Tuesdays.
- In the "free sample" of the SB News-Press left on your driveway once a week.
- ONLINE. There are so many coupons available to print online. I check the following websites weekly:
We Use Coupons Online Database
Red Plum
2. Research store sales to find the best match-ups with existing coupons
There are tons of blogs out there that make this easy. You can use these blogs to find the best match-up deals (some will even let you print out a shopping list of the best match-ups on their blog), or do the research yourself by looking at the store circulars that come in your mail and in the newspaper.
I usually do both. I look at my usual blogs for the best deals that they've found, and then I also browse the store circulars to see if my local store is offering any additional sales or if there are certain items on sale that I need. If you don't want to look through paper circulars, you can go to your store's website and browse the circulars online.
My favorite coupon match-up blogs:
Southern Cali Saver
Save at Home Mommy
Krazy Koupon Lady